Dissecting Bizarre Hunch of Stable Genius Leads to Conclusion: Moron or Devil
Trump has been bragging about being Stable Genius repeatedly, and his cognitive test lately. Clearly this is utterly important for him. For trumpers, winning is everything, they can tolerate a pussy grabber as long as he can lead them to win, but what if he is proved with solid logic to be either an unwavering Moron or something bizarrely worse, i.e. he deliberately let loose the killing pandemic for some dark agenda?
Let’s review Trump’s hunch remark about covid-19 on Mar 5. 2020 (google for its video or audio): “The 3.4% number is really a false number, My hunch is, … personally, I’d say the number is way under 1%.” He further called it a “corona flu”.
We know a flu has a death rate of ~0.1%, basically Trump accused China and WHO overplayed the severity by 34 times. Can you believe it that China would tarnish its own image by overstating the death rate by 34 times? Furthermore, China actually had locked down entire country for one and half months to fight it at the time of Trump speech, that’s an enormous loss. All of these were just for one purpose: to cheat Trump? Wow, what a bizarre hunch of Stable Genius! There can be only two explanations: 1. he is not what he claims: Stable Genius, not even mediocre, but a moron, 2. he was downplaying the killing pandemic for some dark purposes which we will try to guess later.
In reality, China’s data is truthful, and the reported death rates across the global are 2–12%, it varies from country to country, from time to time, from age group to age group. The current global average is ~4.2% (google for it, don’t trust my words), which is very close to China’s data.
If he had trusted the WHO data instead of his hunch and started social distancing on that day (or earlier), instead of delaying another 10 days to Mar 16, the deaths could have been clamped to ~1000. As a context to compare with, S. Korea, whose outbreak was ~15 days before US ( that is to say S. Korea. is in a more unfavorable condition in terms of timing, for pandemic control, timing is everything! The later the better), has a total cases of ~12000 and deaths of ~280.
To aggravate the problem, in the spirit of his bizarre hunch, he tweeted on Apr 17, “Liberate Michigan! Liberate Virginia!” while US infection# was still on the plateau. Clearly even a guy with mediocre IQ would have waited for the cases to go down to a level manageable, which won’t be long. This recklessness and abusing of presidential influence caused an enormous setback to social distancing, which not only added hundreds of thousands of more deaths, but also made the winding-down of covid-19 nearly impossible. Now, US is in a quandary, it has stayed in economy halt for too long and afford no more, but opening-up will mean a sustained period of high infections and high death toll, with a risk of further soaring-up.
Not only is his hunch so bizarre, actually it’s fair to say, by looking back the timeline, many things that he can and should do to alleviate covid-19, he chose not to do, things that aggravates it, he chose to do.
Before Mar. 5, China is Trump’s darling, he praised China numerous times,
After that, China became Trump’s vendetta, and he used his presidential power and influence, with the help of Trump goons like: Pence, Pompeo, Navarro, Lewandorski, etc. and many right wing media like Fox News, Telegraph, etc, concocted various attacks on China, such as, Kungflu, China Virus, Wuhan Virus, China made virus, China cover-up, China understated the data, Wuhan Lab leaked virus, bla bla bla.
Regardless of how much Trumpsters hate and blame China, They actually helped CCP a lot in an unexpected way, the Chinese people were fairly angry with CCP, when they saw Trump’s handling, they must be thinking to themselves: OMG, things can be this much worse! Trump was said to have asked China for help on re-election, sounds like he indeed is qualified for that request, go Trump, the quid pro quo guy.
Now let’s check the other possibility, an unthinkable one, i.e., he may be downplaying it on purpose to let loose it. The deep-down purposes can only be guessed. 1, he wants to get rid of some “lowlifes”, one of Trump’s favorite word, utilizing the disproportionate high death rates of certain races. 2, he wants a staggering number of Americans killed and then he can nurture a deep hatred to a foreign country: China, just like the conspiracy theory of FDR and Pearl harbor, to prepare for a war. This has many evidences too, maybe coincidental, but who knows. For example, trumpsters launched many disinformation and hate attacks on China, the conflicts with China are also escalating in many places, South China Sea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, the closing of Houston consulate, the Uighur genocide buzzing, the TikTok ban etc. Among these, the confrontation at SCS is like a tinder box. How similar is this to Bush’s preparation for Iraq Invasion?
Judging from the final result, his attempt to sow hatred towards China is not as successful as he wishes, more people would rather call it Trump virus than China virus. Regardless of how hard the trumpsters spin for him, Trump has a bizarre hunch, that turned out to be a human-gobbling machine. The rating of a president must be result-oriented, his current rating stands at:
* 3,962,000 infections,
* 144,000 dead,
* 42,000,000 unemployed.
What’s your opinion about Trump, Moron or Devil?
Further Readings (Bookmark):
Noble Prize Awarded by Trump for Paper on Covid-19 to Harvard Med School Epidemiologist Brownstein
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